Do you have a move in your future? Whether you're handing the moving process yourself or hiring a mover, here are some important steps to ensure your move is a successful one:
Hiring a mover
—Do your research. The Better Business Bureau... (Read More)
New car smell is divine, but the smell of a newly-built home might be even better. Pristine carpets, freshly painted walls, the scent of freshly-cut lumber lingering in the air — it's hard to beat the excitement of taking ownership of a brand... (Read More)
In the process of buying a home? It's important to keep in mind that your mortgage pre-approval is based on your current financial situation. Between the time you're prequalified and the time you close on your home loan, you don't want your... (Read More)
Do you understand the difference between a property appraisal and a home inspection? Surveys show that many home buyers — even those who have purchased homes before - have some level of confusion about these two key aspects of a home... (Read More)
A new home is definitely a big reason to celebrate. What better way to mark the day than with a thoughtful housewarming gift? If you enjoy giving practical gifts, a fire extinguisher is an incredible choice for a new homeowner. Every homeowner... (Read More)
You can’t see it, smell it or taste it, but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says radon gas is deadly. It's second only to smoking as a cause of lung cancer.
Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. While... (Read More)
Did you know that of eight major U.S. holidays, Halloween has the fifth-highest number of emergency room visits involving children under the age of 18? That's why we wanted to share with you some important ways for parents to help their children... (Read More)
Do you ever get your water bill and wonder how on Earth you and your family can use so much water in just one month? Many families don't realize that leaky faucets and toilets or water-gobbling habits can cost them a lot of money each year. The good... (Read More)
The VA home loan program is one of the most flexible and attractive ways to finance a home today. There's no set downpayment requirement, no private mortgage insurance and rates are lower than with many other types of loan programs. It's also one of... (Read More)